[WR] Shiremoor (65m ASL) - 5 miles NNE of Newcastle upon Tyne
Cold morning -0.5DegC @ 09.00 while washing the car. In fact as I sprayed
the hose on the bonnet, the water instantly froze in a lovely crystaline
patern. Current conditions are about the same as it has been all day, with
a clear blue sky extending west to the horizon. Temp is standing at 4.7DegC
at this time (14.22) and there is a very slight breeze. Pressure has stood
very static today at 1010mb but the humidity has risen from 48% to 68% (0900
to 1422).
A friend of mine in Washington, about 15 miles south of my current position
reported snow falling (dry small flakes) for about 5 minutes at lunchtime,
but this has since melted away.
Paul Appleby