On Jan 16, 5:57*am, "Col" wrote:
"Eskimo Will" wrote in message
"Col" wrote in message
Seriously though, you never get anybody coming on here in early
September saying they had to knock the heating on for a couple of
hours because it was a bit parky when they got up, no it's all a
macho competition as to who can survive the longest without central
Col, it's not about a competition it's about comfort. I and my wife are
perfectly comfortable with a bedroom below 10C at night and the fresh air
we need too. I guess we talk about cooling rather than warming because we
live in a warm centrally heated country by and large, where you get
blasted with hot air in the chain stores in winter, the workplace is kept
at 21-23C minimum to meet somebody else's idea of comfort, hotels are
dreadfully hot normally. If one is too cold you can always put on another
layer, what if you are too warm - go naked?
I know it's not really a competition, it just seems that way as when
one person mentions how cold they like to keep their house, several
others come into the conversation, seemingly attempting to out-do
one another with tales of hardship and austerity 
21-23C at work? Chance would be a fine thing. That's not due to
somebody's else's idea of comfort, it's due tothe antiquated
heating system. It regulary reaches 25C (or even higher).We have fans
going and windows open, even in winter. Burning fossil fuels to
heat the place up, then burning more to cool it down agaim.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl
I like the "how cold is my workplace" occasional newsgroup
yesterday I worked all afternoon in my office, on the pc, and the best
it got was 6 C
Nae bother
-6 C at 0800