Which do you prefer?
I know some don't want any; but of those that do like snow, which is the
best time of winter?
I like snow at any time of year of course, but Christmas is especially nice.
Early December or November is OK but the days are getting shorter and, if
you have to work, there is not a lot of time to get out and enjoy it.
February and March are really good, the days are getting longer and the
warmth of the sun makes messing around in snow easier. The roads tend to
clear up faster as well in March. Last February was the first snowless
February for me since leaving the SE in 2002 and it was a real downer, I
love my February snow. When we lived in Crowthorne, snow was rare, so we
used to head off up into the Highlands in February to get our fix.
I've saved up a lot of leave this year so far, will February be the month to
take it and make the most of snowy weather? :-)
Yes I know I can always catch a plane and head off to the Alps or Finland
somewhere, but it is not the same as enjoying snow on your backdoorstep,
even if only for a week or so.
Eskimo Will