On Jan 22, 3:15*pm, "Bernard Burton"
The crocus in our garden are all flowering profusely at the moment. The wife
noted the first one on 31st December. Unusually, the snowdrops flowered a
couple of weeks after the crocus this year.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham Berkshire.
Weather data and satellite images at:http://www.woksat.info/wwp.html
Snowdrops seem more fixed to a particular date than Daffs & crocuses,
which are more weather dependent. In west Cornwall the early daffodils
nearly always (except in the coldest winters) flower before
Unusually, in fact I've never seen it before, there are a couple of
Cornish Palms (called Torbay Palms in England) in full flower in
Morrab Gardens Penzance. They normally come out May/June time.