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Old January 23rd 12, 04:37 PM posted to
oriel36 oriel36 is offline
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First recorded activity by Weather-Banter: Mar 2007
Posts: 173
Default 'upside-down' temperature profile

On Jan 23, 3:48*pm, "Ian Bingham"

Perhaps I've missed something here. *The Earth does rotate on its axis 366
times in 365 days.

The Earth turned 365 times from Mar 1st 2010 until Feb 28th 2011 and
will turn 366 times from Mar 1st 2011 until Feb 29th 2012 hence the
Earth turns once a day and daily temperatures (weather) responds to
that rotation.As temperatures fluctuate massively within each 24 hour
cycle,many magnitudes greater than the contentious long term
trends,readers here may gauge how relevant this is if the primary
input of daily rotation doesn't match the daily temperature
fluctuations or if the link is disputed by an 1465/1461 imbalance.

The primary unit of time is a proportion just as the Pi proportion
represents the correspondence between diameter and circumference
whereas in planetary terms the number of rotations is proportional to
the number of circuits of the Sun.The next reference is natural noon
where each noon to noon cycle varies in length yet there are still
1461 natural noon cycles which convert to 1461 AM/PM's enclosed in 4
years/4 orbital circuits.

If there are reasonable people here,they simply look again at what the
Egyptians are saying.They have an antecedent system of a steady
progressions of 365 days but find that they fall back through the
seasons without adding an extra day and it wouldn't change for us,If
we didn't add an extra day on Feb 29th and kept going with a constant
stream of days ending Feb 28th,within our lifetimes we would find
ourselves falling away from the solstice and equinox points of the
orbital circuit so that in 40 years we would begin to discover a
slight difference in the weather from what would be expected and after
80 years,which would amount to a 20 day separation,the absence of a
leap day correction would really be noticeable.

" on account of the precession of the rising of the Divine Sothis by
one day in the course of 4 years.. therefore it shall be, that the
year of 360 days and the 5 days added to their end, so one day as
feast of Benevolent Gods [the pharaoh and family] be from this day
after every 4 years added to the 5 epagomenae before the New Year,
whereby all men shall learn, that what was a little defective in the
order as regards the seasons and the year, as also the opinions which
are contained in the rules of the learned on the heavenly orbits, are
now corrected and improved.." Canopus Decree everything radiates out
from this including the conversion

If you establish the fundamental unit of time as the Egyptians did as
a 1461;4 proportion, everything radiates out from this including the
conversion of the variations in the 1461 natural noon cycles to the 24
hour clock noon and from there to where the steady/equable 24 hour day
substitutes for steady/equable rotation without the need of an
external reference.

It is not easy to make the conversion from days/years into rotations/
orbits yet it can be done but it ain't going to be done with a
1465/1461 imbalance.

*Because of the fortuitous fact that the Earth rotates on
its axis in the same sense that it revolves round the Sun (i.e.
anti-clockwise when viewed from above the North Pole), it has to turn a tiny
bit more than 360 degrees to bring the Sun on to the meridian each day.

Rotating through this extra very small angle takes approximately 4 minutes.
365 times 4 minutes = approximately 1 day (approximately because the 4
minutes is approximate), hence the small daily extra rotation amounts to a
whole revolution at the end of a year. *If you want to talk about 366 days,
then the Earth will have rotated 367 times (+ the tiny amount!). *Or is this
what everyone has been saying? *As I said, I may have missed something.
Actually it's not quite correct to say that the Earth rotates on its axis
every 24 hours - it's 23 hours and 56 minutes, and the 4 minutes makes it up
to 24 hours.

Try John Harrison who built his watches on the principles that 1 hour
time difference equates to 15 degrees longitude and a turning
Earth.This is your heritage and if Harrison is not good enough to
give you an idea that something went drastically wrong then nothing
will and I mean that -

"The application of a Timekeeper to this discovery is founded upon the
following principles: the earth's surface is divided into 360 equal
parts (by imaginary lines drawn from North to South) which are called
Degrees of Longitude; and its daily revolution Eastward round its own
axis is performed in 24 hours; consequently in that period, each of
those imaginary lines or degrees, becomes successively opposite to the
Sun (which makes the noon or precise middle of the day at each of
those degrees and it must follow, that from the time any one of
those lines passes the Sun, till the next passes, must be just four
minutes, for 24 hours being divided by 360 will give that quantity; so
that for every degree of Longitude we sail Westward, it will be noon
with us four minutes the later, and for every degree Eastward four
minutes the sooner, and so on in proportion for any greater or less
quantity. Now, the exact time of the day at the place where we are,
can be ascertained by well known and easy observations of the Sun if
visible for a few minutes at any time from his being ten degrees high
until within an hour of noon, or from an hour after noon until he is
only 10 degrees high in the afternoon; if therefore, at any time when
such observation is made, a Timekeeper tells us at the same moment
what o'clock it is at the place we sailed from, our Longitude is
clearly discovered." John Harrison

I repeat,the conversion is complicated yet there is nothing difficult
in the core principles which match the rotation of the Earth with
daily temperature fluctuations,if nobody can match one with the other
then there is really nothing left to say.

Ian Bingham,
Inchmarlo, Aberdeenshire.