On Jan 23, 7:45*pm, "Gavino" wrote:
"Buchan Meteo" wrote in message
The earth rotates once each day, 365 times in 365 days, and 366 times in
366 days when we add a leap day to the calendar year (not to be confused
with a real year).
No, this is what oriel36 asserts himself and is incorrect.
(He actually has no problem understanding the leap year cycle, quoting ad
nauseam from the ancent Egyptians and other historic sources on the topic..)
The earth rotates once each day *relative to the sun* (that's how we measure
days), but because of its orbit around the sun, the number of rotations in a
year, relative to the stars (which we may regard as a fixed direction in
space) is *one more* than the number of days. See Ian Binghams' post in this
I will make easy for you all.
When you argue for 1465 rotations in 1461 days you are arguing against
daily rotation keeping in step with daily temperature fluctuations and
that is close to impossible to do.The daily temperature fluctuations
are huge so the inability to assign a cause due to the rotation of the
Earth is an incredibly dum thing in an era convinced that they know
the cause of long terms temperature fluctuations.
The natural noon cycles,of which there are 1461 for years convert to
the 1461 AM/PM's that cross the calendar cycle so the steady
progression of 24 days in a format of 3 years of 365 days and 1 year
of 366 days represent a proportion between rotations and orbital
circuits from the parent fact of 1461 rotations in 4 circuits.
Students or any interested adult inquiring as to where the 1/4 day
goes each year to make up the leap day after every 4th year shouldn't
have to,the system is built on 1461 days and dividing the cycle by 4
circuits equates to 365 1/4 days to one orbital circuit.The 24 hours
of upcoming Feb 29th is being overlaid on the system that the
Egyptians describe and one that everyone here will use today -
The story of the current cycle began on Mar 1st 2008 when daily
rotation and orbital motion started in sync,as the orbital cycle of
the Earth around the Sun is 365 days 5 hours 49 minutes,the orbital
cycle ended at roughly 6 AM Mar 1st 2009 whereupon a new orbital cycle
of 365 1/4 days began and ended at 12 noon Mar 1st 2010,As there are
365 days and rotations between Mar 1st and Feb 28th each year,the
orbital cycle drifts ahead through Mar 1st each non-leap year in
increments of 6 hours so that by Mar 1st 2011,the orbital cycle was
ahead by a full 18 hours in ending at 6 PM Mar 1st 2011.At the end of
Mar 1st 2012 the orbital cycle is ahead by almost a full 24 hours so
that the extra 24 hours of rotation on February 29th returns the daily
and orbital cycles back into sync whereupon the orbital cycle ends the
next year at 6 AM Mar 1st 2013.
So in a four-year cycle of 1461 days, the earth rotates 1465 times about its
own axis. It is this that oriel36 refuses to accept, believing it to be an
abomination, and the sun to be the only true reference point - he even goes
as far as to dismiss Newton's 'gravitational agenda'.
The primary reference is between the two main motions of the Earth and
not to any external object,how many times does the Earth turn for the
same period it takes the Earth to make a complete orbital
circuit ?.The Egyptians used the number of days it took Sirius to
return to the same position in order to maintain a lock between the
number of days and festivals attached to the orbital points of the
equinoxes and solstices and found an extra day was needed hence the
beginning of the 365/366 day format that we still use.
The next reference is natural noon where the natural inequality is
reduced to the equable 24 hour day -
"Draw a Meridian line upon a floor and then hang two plummets, each
by a small thread or wire, directly over the said Meridian, at the
distance of some 2. feet or more one from the other, as the smallness
of the thread will admit. When the middle of the Sun (the Eye being
placed so, as to bring both the threads into one line) appears to be
in the same line exactly.. you are then immediately to set the Watch,
not precisely to the hour of 12. but by so much less, as is the
Aequation of the day by the Table." Huygens
There is a complicated adjustment needed to clear up a few things
however Huygens,as with Harrison,clearly states the primary facts
which all students have a basic right to learn
1 - The Earth has a rotation rate of 15 degrees per hour and turns a
full equatorial circumference of 24901 miles in 24 hours.
2 .The Earth turns 1461 times in 1461 days to the nearest rotation
3 - The pure proportion is 365 1/4 rotations for each time the
planet completes an orbital circuit.
I initially tried to respond to his posts in an attempt to understand what
he was trying to say behind the strange language used.
I now see he's completely deluded and it's pointless trying to convince him
of anything as he just regurgitates the same stuff again and again.
It's best just to ignore him from now on.
It took 40 years to correct the Piltdown Man episode and long after
the perpetrator had alerted researchers to the hoax,this is quite
different as the overall structure is within the reasoning
capabilities of all reasoning people and those who can snap out of the
late 17th century attempt to explain daily and orbital motions using a
24 hour clock.They basically took the 24 hour average which is
generated from natural noon and turned it against the very system from
which it emerged and while I concede the error is not immediately
discernible and there are a tsunami of time abbreviations surrounding
the core error,people who understand even the basics of the leap day
correction on Feb 29th as the 1461st day and rotation that closes out
4 years and 4 orbital circuits of the Earth will begin to undo the
damage,if not here then somewhere else.
So when the temperatures goes down and up within a 24 hour
period,readers can safely interpret it as the rotation of our planet,I
didn't think I would have to explain this to a forum built around
weather and the daily heat and cold but with an idea of 1465 rotations
in 1461 days the loss of cause should anger people who value their
intelligence and accept the only common sense correspondence in 1461
rotations in 1461 days.