'upside-down' temperature profile
On Jan 23, 8:07*pm, Joe Egginton wrote:
Actually it's not quite correct to
say that the Earth rotates on its axis every 24 hours - it's 23 hours
and 56 minutes, and the 4 minutes makes it up to 24 hours.
Ian Bingham,
Inchmarlo, Aberdeenshire.
The obvious solution is to shorten the definition of a second from it's
9,162,613,770 oscillations per second of caesium 133. *So that the
measurement of the earth's rotation in a day exactly equals 24 hours.
Of course, by changing the definition of a second, it'll have major
implications for our high tech electronic world, from mobile phones to
the internet not working.
Joe Egginton
175m ASL
The original conclusion in 1677 using pendulum clocks led to the
belief in 1465 rotations in 1461 days so you must find a way to undo
the connection between daily temperature rises and falls and daily
rotation as a cause before you comment on anything else.
"... our clocks kept so good a correspondence with the Heavens that I
doubt it not but they would prove the revolutions of the Earth to be
isochronical (equable/constant)" John Flamsteed ,1677
Flamsteed was making his determination using the average 24 hour day
in the human devised calendar format which has a steady progression of
24 hour days in format of 3 years of 365 days and 1 year of 366
days.This is why trying to bridge the 3 minute 56 second gap to
natural noon never works as there is no equable natural noon cycle of
24 hours.
This issue is discussing the primary weather fact before any other
input - Why does it get cold at night and warm during the day and you
can't answer it with 1465 rotations in 1461 days.The guys with their
heads stuck in gadgets might not care but some people who actually
wake up in the morning to a sunrise and know it the Earth's rotation
causing that spectacle may care.