DO NOT TOP-POST and DO trim your replies!!! Top-posting is the
annoying practice of replying to a message by typing your response
above that to which you are responding. This is a Bad Thing™ because
your readers will have to scroll down and extract the essential of the
existing thread in order to grasp the context of your reply, and then
scroll back up again to read your reply.
Posting a "me too" comment at the bottom of a 100+ line message is no
better because people have to scroll all the way down through 100+
lines they've already read in order to see your one-liner. One word
comes to mind for that: frustrating.
The generally accepted "right way" of doing things is called "inline
posting", whereby you insert your comments straight after that on
which you are commenting, having stripped unnecessary text from the
original quoted text. The end result is something which makes much
more sense because it reads like a conversation.
Please read this page, which goes into some detail:
More information on why top-posting is a Bad Thing™ he
Top posting according to The Ursine Wiki
The Absolute Beginner's guide to Usenet - FAQ - Top Posting
Top posting vs. bottom posting
Dan's Mail Format Site | Quoting | Bottom Posting
Email quotes and inclusion conventions
You are not the only one who does it but the recently aborted top post
was a classic.
You know who you you are. So do I.
Let's hope it ends there.