In article ,
Martin Rowley writes:
On 26/01/2012 10:56, Richard Dixon wrote:
On Jan 26, 10:42 am, John wrote:
Since Martin created the FAQ, I think he will have written that. What it
doesn't seem to say going by that quotation, is where the Bartlett High
is located. Someone mentioned Switzerland, but my own - possibly
fallible - memory suggests that the classic location was Iberia.
I'd always thought it was that - a sort of eastern extension/version
of the Azores High.
... you need to read the whole thing ... as we used to scream at
people in the early days of usenet news ... " it's all in the FAQ " :-)
Guilty as charged. So it's "a broad band of high pressure extends from
the Azores area, east-north-eastwards towards the Biscay / English
Channel region - perhaps now & then displaced towards the Alps".
John Hall
"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism
by those who have not got it."
George Bernard Shaw