Paul Bartlett, R.I.P
On Jan 26, 9:29*pm, Martin Rowley
... Not a problem John; it all started out fairly light-hearted many
years ago - the Q/A could probably be improved upon, but in light of
Paul's death perhaps it should stay as it is in his memory. Given the
nature of archiving on the internet, it's going to be floating about a
long time .... and 'his' High and its definition is probably propagating
outwards through space!
Paul represented the 'acceptable face' of back-bedroom/garden shed
meteorology (compared to the fly-by-nights represented by PWS): just a
man who loved his work / hobby and shared his enthusiasm with us all. I
met & worked with many such in my time in the Office - I shall always be
grateful to them.
Well it has a legacy:
The run of Blocking Highs from summer 2010 through the winter of 2011
led to the inevitable Japanese disaster of last March.