"ronaldbutton" schreef
: "Colin Youngs" wrote
: Still -3.3°C in Brussels half an hour ago. Brilliant sunshine but an
: NE breeze. I walked about 4 miles this morning when it was -5 to -6°C
: and
: I can assure you that it felt more than chilly on my face and ears
: -10°C
: minimum forecast here for tonight and -6°C maximum tomorrow.
: Can't imagine Colin what our young forecasters would make of your
: temperatures if they ever got over here,Laura would probably lose her
: from the hysteria setting in,and Alex Deacon would gyrate into the studio
: floor .Sorry to be parochial,but I wonder do you have the same antics over
: there ?
No antics, Ron. Here on video is the Belgian (Dutch language) TV forecast
broadcast at 20.00 this evening.
Presenter Frank Deboosere is a meteorologist - well known on TV but not a
"celebrity". You may not be able to understand the words but you can see
the style. Graph at the end shows the expected trend in temperatures until
the end of next week.
Note: maximum -6°C expected here tomorrow and -4°C on the following days.
Colin Youngs