On 01/02/12 20:14, John Hall wrote:
In ,
Graham P writes:
On 01/02/12 11:05, John Hall wrote:
I saw that too. But last night's (Monday's) "flat view" on Look East
really showed how big it is. Has there ever been one that large
I recall reading that during February 1947 high pressure persistently
stretched all the way from Scandinavia to northern Canada, completely
reversing the normal wind direction at our latitude all the way across
the Atlantic.
Have a peek at http://www.wetterzentrale.de/topkarten/fsreaeur.ht
ml - the "kartenarchiv" - at '47 and '62-3. Also '65, mid-January.
Thanks for the reminder of that archive. The chart for the 22nd
February, 1947 is one good example. Mid-January 1965 has some
interesting charts, but it doesn't seem to fall into the same category.
Probably because it should have been mid-January 1966. Doh!
The 1965-6 winter was particularly cold over Scandinavia with most of
the Baltic freezing over. Ice, 30ft high, was forced up the SE beaches
of Norway demolishing beach huts. The Barents Sea had a record winter
with ice covering the eastern half - a bit different to the current
situation which looks more like a normal July.
Graham Davis, Bracknell, Berks. E-mail: change boy to man
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