[WR] Sunderland 04.02.12 Frozen rain/sleet...
Weather observation - Sunderland, Tyne & Wear
OS X (Eastings) 440951
OS Y (Northings) 554026
Lat (WGS84) N54:52:46 (54.879323)
Long (WGS84) W1:21:48 (-1.363282)
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Disappointed not to get the snow my son has been telling me about (he's at
Sheffield University). Instead, we are having pretty miserable frozen sleety
rain. Wouldn't be surprised if a few power lines were brought down if this
is widespread, although I suspect it is confined to the coast. I'm reliably
informed that there is snow inland to the west of here and snow falling just
a few miles down the road from Sunderland at Peterlee.
My wind speed/wind direction gear is frozen solid!
Regards... David Allan.
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Current data for
04 February 2012 18:58
Temperature (°C):
Current -0.4
Trend (per hour) 0
Average today 0.2
Wind chill -0.4
Heat Index -0.4
Dew Point -2.6
Rel Humidity 85%
Wind (mph):
Current Gust 0.0 WNW
Average Speed 0.0 ---
Rainfall (mm):
Current rate 0.0
Last hour 0.0
Total today 0.3
Total yesterday 0.0
Total this month 0.3
Total this year 20.8
Pressure (mb):
Current 1017.0
Trend (per hour) -1.2