0900z: 28004KT 18km 1ST010 3SC035 7AC150 1.6/0.7 QFF 1027.0 rising.
An eventful evening - ice pellets changed to moderate rain as the front
arrived at 2125z. The rain didn't last long, though, it was all over by
2200z. No sign of any ground surfaces thawing - I have reported state of
ground type 5 (glaze) this morning for the first time since the 80s. The
roads are treacherous, so will stay off them till the ice starts to melt.
Elevated surfaces such as shed roofs and wheelie bins have all thawed (they
were a mass of icicles yesterday).
Max: 2.7 (0106z)
Min: -1.9 (1048z)
Rain: 2.5 mm
Bayston Hill
102m AMSL
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