Very large high pressure area
On Feb 4, 3:50*am, kolldata wrote:
I did the weather thing in Florida, living outside, riding long
commutes on a bicycle year long discovering 3 original weather - EQ
replicable links use able for predicitng quakes and weather.
Here at BLM *Imperial Dam on the Colorado above Yuma AZ following
summers on San Juan Island WA, time around interior OR/WA, I'm
reminded how much easier it is collecting linkage data from simple
weather local systems.
Coastal Washington is waaaay to complex fooling NOAA 7 of 10. Here and
in Florida we know where the wind comes from and where it goes.
I am, as ever, amazed by your insights. And complex lack of human
connective tissue.
What is BLM?
Bacon, Lettuce and Mustard?