Calcultaing thickness from SLP
No of course it didn't cause any inconvenience. I don't get me knickers in a
twist over such things. I was just amused after poor Gianna sends a
christmas card to us all, I poked fun at it and others were vexed by the
hour time difference thus creating a long thread. I bet she wished she
hadn't bothered. Then to top it all you were a day fast. It really doesn't
matter but it made me smile. Mind you it's bloody hard to find greenwich GMT
on the xp install list.
"Mr Blowman" S@not wrote in message
"lawrence Jenkins" wrote in message
There's a whole thread taking place further upstream about Gianna being
HOUR FAST!!. Blimey you're a full 24hrs fast. Well that's what's showing
the post time.
Is that due to not being able to wait for christmas for a snowflake or
"Mr Blowman" S@not wrote in message
To calculate thickness values in DAM I have always used the eqution
(1000mB - SLP ) * 0.87 )+ 500 mB height. Is this correct as I cannot
explain the 0.87 constant factor.
Sean B
See my previous appology in the thread Lawrence, just reinstalled XP and
the date wrong, I'm sorry it has caused you any undue inconvenience!
Sean B
Oh and PS Merry Christmas