Very large high pressure area
On Feb 4, 3:32*pm, kolldata wrote:
the hi, I have not seen it or looked, 'means' winter weather went
elsewhere for days poss due to the solar storm(+ global warming) I
assume we'll get it.
I almost understood that.
The global EQ cycle paused 2-3 days ago then went back to lthe cycle
b4 with movement toward Honshu. I have no idea if this is related to
weather or weather is related to it which is the prob in WA/OR.
Weather seems related to EQ but remains fuzzier than AZ or FL where
systems are distinct.
Let me see if I can decode this one.
The weather patterns in Arizona? and Florida? show indistinct?
I have no idea what the prob in waor is.
BLM Bureau of land management and USDA takes control of vast acreages
when miners and timber barons finish raping the land, disappear into
the vaults leaving land funded by taxpayers
The government then protects the land otherwise it would be ruined.
If I didn't know better I would say you are showing signs of wit.
Am I to assume you are not witless?