[WR] Northampton 9/2/12
Started snowing in these part just after 4pm. By 5 o'clock it had turned to
freezing rain, and what had been dry snow free surfaces were all covered by
a sheet of ice. Very nasty. By 6pm, it had turned back to snow, and right
now there is a fresh 2 inches of the ruddy stuff over everything. At least
it's now covered up all the ice and frozen slush, so walking about is a bit
easier. And the dog didn't lose her footing and fall over like she did last
night. (Dicky back legs aren't helping her cause, old age creeping up fast.)
Temperature rose to +0.1C at 2pm for 10 minutes, and then dropped back below
freezing. Average for the last 48 hours is -1.8C.
jim, Northampton