Warning area extended
Keith (Southend)G wrote:
On Feb 9, 10:34 pm, Dave Cornwell wrote:
Alan wrote:
On Feb 9, 9:54 pm, Ian Waddell wrote:
Seems from the updated Met Office warning, and radar that the snow is
now set to affect a much larger area of England, with the eastern
extent further east than previously forecast. Snowing steadily in
Wokingham and beginning to settle on hard surfaces. I think we have a
good few hours left to come, looking at the radar. Tomorrow morning
will be interesting.
Also looks like the heaviest falls are predicted to move slightly
" These larger depths are most likely in an area from the East
Midlands down towards parts of central southern England"
Yes, snowed all evening so far but has bearly settled and has the odd
effect of melting the lying snow despite a temp of +0.2C and aDp of
-0.1C. All rather odd. More substantial to the North around Waltham
Abbey but all roads are clear.
Dave, S.Essex.
Diddly squat for me at Southend, saw a few flurries, but that was all.
Fingers croassed it will be ok to get to Gatwick a 4am and no problems
with the airlines ;-(
Keith (Southend)
It will be, nothing on the roads - have a good holiday.