Rainfall Duration
In message , Richard Griffith
I'm trying to calculate the monthly rainfall duration (hours) using data
from my
Tipping Bucket Gauge - this is connected to a data logger (Casella Rainfall
Logging System) and the Gauge tips every 0.2mm
Using the gauge software I can look at minute data. Now this is where I'm
not quite sure of things
For example a month gives a total figure of 585 minutes (585 / 60 = 9.7hrs)
Is this method of calculation correct - its seems very low for the entire
month ?
How should rainfall duration be calculated using a TBR ?
It can't really be done. If the rain is slight it can rain for quite
some time before the first tip of the bucket. "Moderate" rain starts at
only 0.5mm/hour. If it rains continuously at a rate of 0.2mm/hour you
will get one tip every hour. On the other hand if there is a brief
shower every hour with each shower giving 0.2mm there will also be one
tip of the bucket every hour.
(delete "thisbit" twice to e-mail)
Norman Lynagh Weather Consultancy
Chalfont St Giles 85m a.s.l.