As others have already pointed out, it is not really possible to derive
duration of rainfall from a TBR. Using a TSR, the duration of 'measurable'
rain is defined as rain faling with an intensity of at least 0.1 mm/hr.
Again, as others have stated, it is possible to have continuous drizzle
giving about this rate, so that it will be possible to have 2 hours worth of
measurable rain before the TBR records a tip. To emulate the definition
obtainable with a TSR, an automatic device would have to be able to resolve
rates of 0.1 mm/hr to better than 0.1 hours, or amounts of 0.01mm in this
period. So, duration of rainfall, and rainfall rates except in heavy
precipitation, are not suitable parameters to attempt with a TBR.
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Satellite images at:
"Richard Griffith" wrote in message
I'm trying to calculate the monthly rainfall duration (hours) using data
from my
Tipping Bucket Gauge - this is connected to a data logger (Casella
Logging System) and the Gauge tips every 0.2mm
Using the gauge software I can look at minute data. Now this is where I'm
not quite sure of things
For example a month gives a total figure of 585 minutes (585 / 60 =
Is this method of calculation correct - its seems very low for the entire
month ?
How should rainfall duration be calculated using a TBR ?