On Feb 22, 5:05*pm, "Les Hemmings" wrote:
Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Feb 21, 3:56 am, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Feb 20, 8:02 pm, "Les Hemmings" wrote:
Do think it's something in the BBC water?
He probably did it for a bet. He has no class; the proper term is
Pussy Galore.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
* * * Did he really say this? *There has been no reaction in other
media AFAIK. *It smells fishy to me.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Maybe nothing to get into a flap about!
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You're dirty, but then so am I. I shall continue to beaver away
at this but at some point I will need to stop fannying around and
snatch some sleep.
I'm perplexed by the lack of reaction on this group. For a BBC/
Met Office weather forecaster to utter the C-word in a television
broadcast and to get away with it, at least so far, is disgraceful.
The point is that different standards operate in public compared with
what you might mutter to your mate down the pub, Eastenders and The
Archers notwithstanding. It was quite obviously not a slip of the
tongue but deliberate and probably designed to raise his profile and
for that reason he should be sacked. He's an idiot in the
Schaffernaker mould.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.