"Paul Bartlett" wrote in message
Just pushing out the Christmas forecasts, Sat 25 followed by Sunday 26
etc. People go on for weeks about a white Christmas - but I just treat
as one more day. I feel demeaned by this, Christmas Day is special; I
shouldn't just treat it as one more day to forecast for. I maintain
objectivity but I am not happy with the strict scientific outlook that I
so easily lapse into.
Chistmas day *is* special but not as far as the weather is concerned.
As far as the weather is concerned it's just another late December day.
The strict scientific outlook is the *only* way to look at it. Objectivity
is the right way to go about things otherwise you end up getting all
emotional about what you *want* for Christmas rather than what things
will actually be.
'Wisest are they that know they do not know.' Socrates.
I think your sig is particularly appropriate for the art of white Christmas
Bolton, Lancashire.
160m asl.