Money Where Mouth is Time
On Feb 26, 1:43*pm, Dawlish wrote:
On Feb 26, 12:43*pm, Lawrence13 wrote:
Look I really need to get out into the garden but some of you green
puritans are getting up my nose.
Cards on the table, do the talk now do the walk, your actions cashing
the cheques that you mouths are writing.
Cards on the table, chequebook at the ready.
OK. I'll bet you any sum between £1,000 and £10,000 that a new global
temperature record is set within the period 2013-2017 inclusive. You
can choose any of the 5 temperature series (GISS, NOAA, Hadley, UAH,
or RSS) and we'll judge the record against that. We'll both lodge
£10,000 with a solicitor, together with the solicitor's fees.
You've said that global cooling is taking place often enough and many
of us think you are loopy Larry in saying so, but here's your chance
to make some hard cash out of someone you've decided not to like.
Should you turn down tghe bet, I'll label you a hypocrite.
I that "outspoken" enough for you?
So what car do you drive and how many cars for the Garvey Household a
nd do you have solar panels? . Now I'm expecteing a very economica
little vehicle and just the one car answer and a yes to solar panels
as you seem so comvinced about the perils of AGW.