My Apologies Everyone as I know this is getting out of hand, bu..........t
On Feb 28, 2:26*am, Tudor Hughes wrote:
* * *In the next few days I'll probably get a visit from Surrey
Police. *It will go thus:
Cop: *Tudor Hughes?
*Me: *Yes
Cop: *We understand you may be part of a conspiracy to shout at Paul
Garvey, to *intimidate him with a trombone and possibly even poke him
in the tummy with it.
Me: * Well, yeah, sort of.
Cop: *We fully understand your point of view but would point out that
the last action is actually an offence and we would strongly advise
you not to do it, sir.
Me: * Yeah OK.
Cop: *Enjoy the rest of your day, sir.
Me: * Do you *have* to say that?
Cop: *Yeah, unfortunately we do. *Is this your car?
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Cheers, Alastair.