My Apologies Everyone as I know this is getting out of hand,bu..........t
mr google (i hope i got his name right) and your local plod will duff
you up lawrence.
there are harsh sentences for crimes of "your wrong" and "i dont like
you" , "GW is not happening", "your a fraud" etc etc
the MET, MI6 , ASDA, C&A, M&S, LIDL, ALDI, and now the CIA take this
VERY seriously and have departments set up for this kind of horrendous
blood thirsty violence on a newsgroup.
i hope you tremble with fear of, erm...ah, erm..ah some kind of internet
RFC (request for comments) qualified ascii written email retaliation,
super death match (sponsered by ladbrokes of course)
your looking at 30yrs minimum stretch, ill give you 10/1 on that.
now, see if the GFS and ECM show the same tomorrow, maybe then i will
issue a forecast, or is that a sectioning?
reality mode ON:
On 28/02/2012 2:26 AM, Tudor Hughes wrote:
On Feb 27, 8:10 pm, wrote:
On Feb 27, 7:19 pm, wrote:
Sorry about this as it seems to be dragging the group down and I'm
going to stop posting for good while as some people here become very
aggressive and nasty if you show any disagreement. The whole thing is
becoming ugly and I'm partly responsible as I get involved in these
ding dongs.
Mr Garvey is patently quite bonkers and once I stop posting he will
find somebody else to fall out with as that seems to be his nature.
Paul Garvey has emailed threatening me with some sort of legal
He claims I physically threatened him some time ago when basically he
was so arrogantly rude I offered him the opportunity to say it to me
man to man.
Okay a bit Macho and stupid but he really is to ready with insults and
general rudeness. I place this here as he is a madman and I want
everything open out in public, This is what he has just emailed me.
"I warned you last time, when you issued a verbal threat, that I would
act if you did anything similar. This afternoon, I registered your
details, two posts of threats of physical violence that you've been
silly enough to issue and this potential stalking. If you *ever*
decided to cross the moral boundary and holiday down here with intent
against me, the letter that is held by Jamie will show the intent was
One more actual threat of physical violence and Jamie sends the letter
on to the police. I can assure you they will pay you a visit.
I can't be clearer. Stick to the science and you'll have no problems.
issue threats, veiled, or otherwise and I will act. I've done it
before with great success, stopping what the police decribed as
"potentially dangerous" staking early on and I'll do it again."
Paul you need to see a therapist of some sort .
The idiot is silly enough to make private emails public. There is no
way he will *ever* try again to threaten me on here, as he has been
silly enough to do *twice* before.
You, Larry, need to think very carefully about your posting in the
future.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You really disappoint me. I had thought you had abandoned your
overbearing nature, at least on this group, and become more of a
logic disciplinarian who would shoot down unwarranted claims, and as
such to be welcomed. There is something to be said for trying to
think the best of people but I now conclude that you don't deserve
such a benign view.
I see no harm in Lawrie (that's Lawrie, not Larry, a cheap shot)
publicising your email. Anyone who can write stuff like that needs to
be exposed. Alan White was another recipient of your nastiness and
left the group as a result. Well done! Your email reveals you to be
a paranoid bully. Do you think that Lawrie is seriously going to go
down to Devon just to bop you on the nose? He would like to, of
course, and so would many others, including me. But it's not going
to happen coz u aint wurf it. That, like Lawrence's post, is of
course absurdly macho but it shows you what quite a number of people
think of you, viz. they want to hit you.
Go away - get treatment for your persecution complex. You may
then be invited to re-engage with the world. When you do, don't
pretend you know more about a subject than you actually do. It really
gets on people's tits!
In the next few days I'll probably get a visit from Surrey
Police. It will go thus:
Cop: Tudor Hughes?
Me: Yes
Cop: We understand you may be part of a conspiracy to shout at Paul
Garvey, to intimidate him with a trombone and possibly even poke him
in the tummy with it.
Me: Well, yeah, sort of.
Cop: We fully understand your point of view but would point out that
the last action is actually an offence and we would strongly advise
you not to do it, sir.
Me: Yeah OK.
Cop: Enjoy the rest of your day, sir.
Me: Do you *have* to say that?
Cop: Yeah, unfortunately we do. Is this your car?
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.