My Apologies Everyone as I know this is getting out of hand,bu..........t
On 01/03/12 07:22, Col wrote:
"Adam wrote in message
The way I see it Lawrence is as much to blame for this. The stuff he comes
out with regarding AGW is like he is deliberately trying to provoke
Dawlish. Not to mention the nasty ad-hominen political attacks he has made
about climate scientists in the past, or the hypocrisy of accusing people
of "alarmism" then making equally alarmist statements about the economic
consequences of taking action. Yet all this seems to be fair game because
he has a good sense of humour at other times. I'm tempted to say it is an
example of style trumps substance.
There have been many times when I've considered them as bad
as each other but at least Lawerence has the decency to accept
a portion of the blame, some awareness regarding his actions.
Can you imagine Dawlish even admitting that he might have got
a little carried away on occaision?
True. I have noticed Lawrence does sincerely apologise on occasion when
he goes too far and for that I do have some respect for him.