My Apologies Everyone as I know this is getting out of hand, bu..........t
On Mar 6, 3:19*am, Weatherlawyer wrote:
On Mar 5, 4:44*pm, "
On Mar 3, 7:12*pm, Weatherlawyer wrote:
Anyone have a list of this person's online names?
Why would you want a list of my online names?
What do you intend doing with such a list?
I'll answer yours if you answer mine.
(I know you are a bit hard of reading so I will just mention that I
asked first and leave others to explain.)
I have re-read all your posts on this thread, and the only question
that you have asked is:- was Stan Garvey someone from Crossroads?
I'm afraid that I have no idea whether he was on Crossroads or not, so
I can't answer your question however irrelevant it might be.
You didn't ask me if I had any other online names, presumably because
you have not got the guts. You asked anyone here if they had a list of
my online names.
I find this a most sinister development for a couple of reasons;
1, That you expect people on this newsgroup to be compiling a list of
online names for other contributors who may not agree with your views.
2, That you go on the defensive when asked what you would do with such
a list if one came into your possession.
Given that this is one of a number of threads where a group of people
are trying to argue that one person is bullying them, rather than the
other way round - you may wish to reconsider your strategy.