Latest report from AEMet (Spanish Met Agency) shows that February 2012 was
exceptionally cold in Spain, with an average temperature of 6.0C over the
country as a whole, 2.5C below the 1971-2000 average and the 4th coldest in the
last 50 years. Night-time temperatures were especially low and the average
minimum temperature was the lowest recorded in February since 1956.
During the coldest spell, from 3rd to 14th Feb, average temperatures were 4 to 6
degrees below normal. The coldest temperature recorded at principal stations
was -14.4C at Navacerrada on 4th.
Towards the end of the month, maximum temperatures recovered to exceed normal
levels, reaching over 25C in the Valencia area.
It was also very dry, with overall rainfall at 16mm, less than 30% of the
long-term average, with many areas having practically no rain at all.
Further details (in Spanish) at: