What's up with the MO website on Chrome
On Mar 9, 11:22*am, Brian in Aberfeldy
Its all wrong on both my PCs via chrome, any other chrome users having
From MO - this worked for me!
We are currently in the process of updating our website, and as such
it could be that your PC is attempting to access a cached version of
the page.
Please can I ask you to clear the cache, and advise whether this
resolves the issue.
For Chrome Version 1-9
Once your browser is open, select the Tools menu (the wrench in the
upper-right corner) and select Options (Preferences on Mac).
On the Under the Hood tab, click the Clear Browsing data... button.
Select the Empty the cache check-box.
You can also choose the period of time you wish to delete cached
information using the Clear data from this period dropdown menu.
Click the Clear Browsing Data button.
For Chrome Version 10+
Once your browser is open, select the Wrench icon (the settings menu,
located in the upper-right corner) then, Tools, and Clear Browsing
Data.... You can also access the Delete Browsing History window by
pressing Ctrl-Shift-Delete
Select the Empty the cache check-box. Uncheck everything else to avoid
deleting data unintentionally.
In the dropdown menu, select the beginning of time.
Click the Clear Browsing Data button.