John Hall wrote:
On the front page of today's Daily Telegraph there's an item which begins:
"After weeks of bitterly cold weather, the country is set to bask in
temperatures of up to 64F (18C) this weekend as the sun sweeps away the
last of winter."
I can only assume that the reporter and sub-editor responsible have been
out of the country for the last three weeks or so.
To be honest it's close to the lunatic fringe, to be honest. We know
most newspapers are economic with the truth but what is the advantage to
print such utter drivel? Will it really sell more newspapers?
Whilst I'm in grumpy old man mood and Lawrence isn't around to provide
the weekly rant, has anyone had their "normal" Royal Mail postal service
wrecked with some new "efficiencies". We had a terrible service about
three years ago with stuff being stolen, not delivered etc. then
suddenly we got a proper post lady, Natasha, who has delivered the mail
perfectly at the same time every day for three years. No mistakes, talks
to you, knows where and whether to put a parcel round the side. You
know, all that old fashioned rubbish. Since last week, following a
letter from my regional manager , P.O. Box Plymouth, they've banned bags
for H&S reasons, stopped her using her car, given her a trolley and
moved her to a new district with a bigger round. We've had four
different postmen since, no deliveries some days, wrong mail, ripped
mail and one admitted he'd driven 50 miles to get here and had to take
half the mail back at 5pm because he couldn't find the houses!!
I give up really.
Dave, S.Essex.