[OBS] Romsey - Tuesday 13th March 2012
A gradual improvement ensued and the fog/mist boundary
was attained at 0930Z but the visibility has since stalled at
the 1000m mark. The drizzle is falling in fits and starts.
SYNOP 13/0850Z
03/// 41004 80704 10056 20056 40346 53001 75154 887//
333 88700 96042=
SYNOP 13/0950Z (current ob)
03/// 41010 80704 10061 20059 40348 53003 75054 887//
333 88701=
EG// 130950Z 07004KT 1000 -DZ (BR) OVC001 06/06
Q//// RED=
wind... ENE, force 2.
visibility... 1000m.
weather... intermittent slight drizzle with mist.
clouds... 8/8 St at 100ft.
dry bulb... +6.1C.
dewpoint... +5.9C.
RH... 99%.
sea level pressure... 1034.8mb (slow fall, then slow rise).
rainfall last hour... trace.
beaufort letters (0750-0850Z)... dodof,cdodoff.
beaufort letters (0850-0950Z)... cdodoff,cidom.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl