Wettest places in Scotland - Tulloch Bridge / Bishopton 15 mm
"Martin Rowley" schreef
: On 17/03/2012 11:10, John Hall wrote:
: ... Presumably the High Wycombe maximum is since 9am only, as I
: imagine that it would have been warmer than 7.4C at 6pm the previous
: evening.
: ... just to answer John's query, from the SYNOP reports, the highest
: hourly in the period 15/1800 to 16/1800Z was 9.0°C at 15/18Z. I don't
: know how WeatherOnline sort their maxima out so can't comment on that
: aspect.
WeatherOnline temperature maps that I link to show the 12-hour synop
reports: 18.00 previous day to 06.00 current day for min. temps and 06.00 to
18.00 current day for max. temps. Rainfall map shows the 24-hour totals
18.00 previous day to 18.00 current day.
: ... 'High
: Wycombe' is not really a very 'representative' name for the observing
: location. It is ... sitting on top of the bunker at
: the facility which has as it's nearest village Walter's Ash.
Perhaps I should rename it "High Wycombe (Walter's Ash)" by analogy with
"Bournemouth (Hurn)" !
: ... the observing
: point is listed as 204 m amsl, c.f., a figure of around 100-120 m for
: the middle of High Wycombe (and 5 m for St. James' Park).
I had wondered why High Wycombe often seems to be relatively cold. That
explains it.
Colin Youngs