In message , Alastair McDonald
k writes
We might end up with a lot more yuppies driving around in 4 by 4s and
SUVs (these passenger pickup trucks are even appearing here now!)
burning more fuel and asking for more of Britain to become tarmac.
Having just returned from Vancouver Island (British Columbia, Canada)
two things were noticeable;
1. 4x4 trucks everywhere, though there may be better reasons for them
over there
2. the expected snow has not appeared and the ski slopes are not all
Now whether these two observations are linked is still an item of debate
On the other hand some of the weather was very interesting indeed.
Particularly the cloud and mist patterns that formed on calm days and
the variation over relatively short distances. For example you would
only have to travel about 100 miles to get well below zero at the same
For those who dislike the TV presenters who say things like "brrrrrr,
it's chilly" at least the Canadians had a good excuse when warning for
-46C in Toronto when adding wind chill to a still air temperature of
about -30C. Having experienced -35C (still air) it is indeed a "bit