Which is more likely...
In sci.physics AGWFacts wrote:
On Tue, 24 Apr 2012 11:24:32 -0500, Sam Wormley
Which is more likely...
[ ] that Marvin is right, that AWG is nothing more than
scientifically illiterate frauds
[ ] climatologists, related researchers and the published
research papers make a very compelling case for AGW,
and that Marvin simply doesn't understand the climate
Damn, that's a tough question. May I thjink about it for a few
Go ahead and take 8 weeks. We wouldn't want any mistakes.
[On solving a(Ts+.001)^4 = b(Te+x)^4:]
[Y]ou can't solve a linear equation or do arithmetic.
What linear equation? Oh! The one with the fourth power
of the intended variable. Linear indeed!
[Only a 15 yo would immediately see that x = (a/b)^(1/4)(Ts+.001)-Te
and that x = .001 Te/Ts approx= 50e-6 K].
-- Will "I'm a true math genius" Janoschka, 25 Apr 2012 12:06:01 -0500