Radio 4 Weather Forecasts (longish rant)
Tudor Hughes wrote:
Having heard the 5.57 pm forecast and (just now) the 0030 "Weather
report and forecast" (sic) on Radio 4 I am now convinced more than
ever that Radio 4 should give up on the idea of using weather
forecasters (presenters?) and get someone in Exeter to tap it out on a
keyboard, send it up the wires and have it read out by an announcer.
My complaint is on 'Breakfast' when they send they the weather
presenter out to some location, then waste a couple of precious
minutes telling us how 'luv-lee' the spring flowers are looking at
Kew Gardens or whatever.
Paying a highly trained meteorologist to witter on like this is a
nonsense, let them talk about the weather, that's what they are
suposedly there for.
I've always wondered what these 'on location' forecasts
actually bring anyway in terms of 'added-value'.
Unless they send the presenter to an area of very bad weather
and it's being done for 'effect' to emphasise the point, presenter
being plastered with snow, almost being knocked off their
feet in a gale on a sea-front (you know the thing), I don't
really see the point.
Bolton, Lancashire
160m asl