Radio 4 Weather Forecasts (longish rant)
Well put Tudor. As an aside there are also a lot more people out there
who want a "serious" forecast than we might imagine. Because of my
interest I am finding that people in my photographic club, bird watchers
, fellow golfers and gardeners are quite knowledgeable and rely on
decent weather forecasts and just those groups alone represent several
million people UK wide.
I couldn't agree more.
But it's part of the progressive dumbing-down process where the powers-that-be think we're all incapable of following anything unless it contains a large dollop of glitz, hype, spin or repetition.
If you watched Horizon earlier this week, about sunspots, you'd see another prime example. The graphics were good (as they all should be these days) but we were assailed by pointless asides and repeated summaries of what we'd already been told, pre-supposing we'd forgotten it all or the viewer's attention span was less than an Alzheimic gnat. That meant I lost interest for large chunks of the programme.
If there's something wrong with the education of young people these days, fix it; don't cover it up with sub-standard information for the rest of us by bringing all broadcasting down to the level of insulting Redtop mental mush.
- Tom.