Radar images via mobile phone?
On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 22:00:28 GMT, mjones wrote in
Just a thought - I know it's possible to get basic stuff like temps,
pressure, etc via a mobile phone, but how about some kind of basic
radar images for those with a colour or hi res mono display?
I can get the main UK Met O radar page on my Nokia 6230, either by GSM dial
up or gprs. The resolution is almost as good as on my PC, though I have to
use the nav keys to scroll across the image. Much will depend on the
browser installed on your phone.
XCWeather have a dedicated wap page but that doesn't include radar.
Mike 55.13°N 6.69°W Coleraine posted to uk.sci.weather 23/12/2004 22:05:35 UTC