On May 2, 3:48*pm, Falcon wrote:
Dawlish wrote...
On May 2, 3:04*pm, Falcon wrote:
Dawlish wrote...
On May 2, 12:41*pm, Falcon wrote:
bjacoby wrote...
On 4/30/2012 1:09 PM, Sam Wormley wrote:
Rob Dunbar: The threat of ocean acidification
Ocean acidification on track to be among the worst of the last 300 million
Gosh Sam, I thought that ocean acidification required global warming to
actually WARM the oceans?
Here is some actual science that my educate you:
Note the difference between REAL scientific measurements and fraudulent IPCC
political advertisements.
Not only is it warming, it's getting warmer faster than ever - apparently. Look
here, according to the loony left (Dawlish, Gordo, E-Cat, AGWFacts etc.) and
the environmental junkies, Bob is a lying denier and it doesn't matter where he
got his data. I've never quite worked that one out myself, since calling him
liar is tantamount to accusing the NOAA of falsifying their own data, but there
you go. White is black and black is white in their world.
Do you honestly think anyone is thinking about what you are writing,
Yes, well you always are apparently.
I think people are thinking about your avoidance, homophobia, trolling
and spinning - not that what you might write about global warming has
any relevance. Don't you?
Look, not to put to fine a point on it, this is beginning to sound like
blackmail. I don't care how much dirt you try and spread around about me, it's
dinner or nothing.
fide, sed cui vide. (L)
After what spinner has written today, in his twisted, homophobic,
denialist little mind, it's him who feels that he's been somehow
"blackmailed" and that "dirt" is being spread about him.
Deniers actually feel they can say whatever they wish with no
You know what they say about what you should do when the hole you are
in is deeper than you want it to be spinner..................