On May 20, 12:07*pm, "Col" wrote:
"Col" wrote in message
"Graham P Davis" wrote in message
On Sat, 19 May 2012 10:04:02 +0100
Dave Cornwell wrote:
Darren Bett was saying that he wouldn't be surprised if we see
temperatures up to 25C next week. It would be nice but that seems a
bit on the high side although I guess the areas sheltered from the
E/NE could make it.
Chris Fawkes upped that to 26C this morning.
The Country Tracks forecast should make for much
more pleasant viewing. Could be quite a dramatic
switch from cool to hot conditions in just a few days.
And Mr Fawkes has just upped that to 27C on Friday,
well for London at least.
Sounds like media forecasters massaging their egos to me:-
"My max temperature is bigger than yours, nah, na, na"