OK: I. not the brightest Match in the Box
On 25/05/2012 19:16, Lawrence13 wrote:
What is it with these people that some idiot would think that would be
a fantastic feature. Still weather related I've just cut the grass
and I want to see if the hose pipe ban has been lifted for my part of
the world, Now this is a time when you need to know if the ban is now
regional, but blow me , can I find just that simple information in a
quagmire of Thames Water computer graphic HELL!!!!!!!!!! NO you
bloody can't, everything but a simple national map showing the
extension of the ban. I'm really getting ready to just 'drop out'
ditch all this meaningless modern tripe and go back to basics
Long Live Vinyl, Yep wrong group I know.
What's wrong with a wax cylinder?
Howard Neil