TV weather (again!)
I am heartily sick of BBC weatherpresenterettes endlessly parroting
the phrase "this weather is most unusual for the time of year". Girls,
didn't they teach you anything at how- to- stand- in- front- of-a-
weather- chart- looking- pretty- school?. The default British summer
is disturbed, with occasional bouts of quite severe weather. It is
replete with cancelled ferries, wrecked boats, downed trees and gale-
damaged buildings.That must be true because I hear you repeating this
litany once a month or so in most summers.
Admittedly this particular bout is a little more disturbed than usual,
but rare it is not. Doubtless there is someone out there who can tell
us when we last had a "green autumn" in June-I bet it's not that long
It's only six years since we last had a settled summer. I'd guess,
statistically speaking, one isn't even coming up over the horizon.