Little or no shower activity ?
"Nick" wrote in message
On Jun 8, 5:31 pm, Nick wrote:
Severe and unpleasant as this low has been with regards to the main
frontal system and the more than 24 hours of strong winds, one thing
that has been notable compared to, say, the deep lows of April is how
little shower activity there has been here. One might expect a low
like this to give the normal "sunshine and showers" on steroids with
funnel clouds, large hail etc but there's been nothing of the sort,
here at least. Occasional spells of rain (not really showers, more
like short-duration frontal rain in character) overnight, but little
rain - or sun - during the day - just a near 8/8 sheet of cloud,
rather low most of the time, now starting to rise. Has this been the
case elsewhere?
"Here" being Southampton, sorry.
Nothing here at Worthing in fact despite the wind its been a sunny afternoon
with scattered cloud, very pleasant in the sun out of the wind.