Weather cancellations
"Col" wrote in message
"Dave Liquorice" wrote in message
On Sat, 9 Jun 2012 09:38:08 +0100, Col wrote:
This isn't unprecedended or even exceptional, but it certainly is
unusual. You don't get flooding like that in most British summer
When did half of Gloucestershire, Tewkesbury etc disappear under
water? Thought that was in the British summer months.
It was, but that was exceptional.
But that's the point. You don't get flooding like that in Wales,
and certainly not like that in Gloucestershire in 2007 in
most British summer months.
Col in my published extreme rainfall study I noted that most of the severest
rainstorms of the past 100 years occurred in summer.
Lynmouth flood disaster - August 1952
Martinstown record rainfall - July 1955
Torquay flooding - August 1948
Hampstead storm - August 1975
Wokingham storm - August 1959
I could go on ......
Rainstorms in summer have the potential to be very severe due to convection
and higher precipitable water content.