News 24 Weather - no signs of summer for two weeks and a month'srain tomorrow!!
jbm wrote:
"Dave Cornwell" wrote in message ...
Well I've never known a forecaster come out with a statement like that!
But that's what he said at midday today. No sign of anything summery for
the next two weeks. A bit rash in my opinion because it doesn't take
much of a change at this time of year to get something half decent. He
also said that somewhere in and around the S.E and south Midlands was
likely to get a month's worth of rain tomorrow. Presumably he meant
based on June's figures which is about 45mm. We'll see.
Dave, S.Essex
Nothing to worry about then, if last years figures are anything to go by.
I'll put the washing out to dry, cut the lawns, and then get the deck
chair out for a bit of sunbathing. :-)
jim, Northampton (south-east Midlands)
Crossed my mind when he said that for a typical month here in the last
couple of years ;-)