[OBS] Romsey - Monday 11th June 2012
On warm June days, there is often an expression of surprise
when I say that our average max temp in June is 'only' 19C
but it's days like today that demonstrate why. With the air
temperature stuck below 11C this morning, we have yet to
attain our mean max for November! A nice hot minestrone
soup for lunch is in order.
Also mirroring November is the all pervading gloom and
persistent rain, although far away to the southwest, some
brightness has teased us for much of the morning. The
rain was slight until 0915Z when it increased to moderate
and edged into the heavy zone around 1000Z and 1130Z.
There's not too much stratus disguising the very obvious
rain bearing nimbostratus.
SYNOP 11/1150Z (current ob)
03/// 11356 83407 10103 20092 40015 51005 60081 76366
8572/ 333 81707 84710 88545=
EG// 111150Z 34007KT 6000 RA FEW007 SCT010 OVC045
10/09 Q//// RERA GRN=
wind... NNW, force 3.
visibility... 6km.
weather... continuous rain, moderate (recently heavy).
clouds... 1/8 St 700ft, 4/8 St 1000ft, 2/8 Sc 2500ft, 8/8 Ns 4500ft.
dry bulb... +10.3C.
dew point... +9.2C.
RH... 93%.
sea level pressure... 1001.5mb (slow rise levelled off in past hour).
rainfall last hour... 2.8mm.
6 hour rainfall (0600-1200Z)... 8.0mm.
beaufort letters (1050-1150Z)... cr,crr,cR,cr.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl