[OBS] Romsey - Monday 11th June 2012
The heaviest rain of the day fell between 1750Z and 1850Z
dropping another 6mm. Since then, the intensity has been
easing with a rain and drizzle mix.
There's no serious flooding in the area, although the local
stream was a raging torrent and brimful when I looked at
around 1900Z.
SYNOP 11/1150Z
03/// 11356 83407 10103 20092 40015 51005 60081 76366
8572/ 333 81707 84710 88545=
SYNOP 11/1450Z
03/// 41345 83209 10109 20100 40019 52004 76366 8772/
333 84707 87712 88540=
SYNOP 11/1750Z
03/// 11335 83509 10104 20096 40025 52006 60242 76566
8672/ 333 10109 83706 85710 88535=
SYNOP 11/2050Z (current ob)
03/// 41356 83407 10102 20093 40036 52011 75865 885//
333 84707 86710 88625=
EG// 112050Z 34007KT 6000 -RADZ SCT007 BKN010
OVC025 10/09 Q//// RERA REDZ GRN=
wind... NNW, force 3.
visibility... 6km.
weather... slight rain and drizzle (recently moderate).
clouds... 4/8 St 700ft, 6/8 St 1000ft, 8/8 Sc 2500ft.
dry bulb... +10.2C.
dew point... +9.3C.
RH... 94%.
sea level pressure... 1003.6mb (rising slowly).
max temp today... +10.9C.
rainfall last hour... 0.8mm.
12 hour rainfall (0900-2100Z)... 31.9mm.
beaufort letters (1950-2050Z)... cdr,cdrdr,cdoro.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)
40m amsl