Romsey - Monday 11th June 2012
On 11/06/12 16:46, Nick wrote:
On Jun 11, 1:10 pm, "Nigel wrote:
On warm June days, there is often an expression of surprise
when I say that our average max temp in June is 'only' 19C
but it's days like today that demonstrate why. With the air
temperature stuck below 11C this morning, we have yet to
attain our mean max for November! A nice hot minestrone
soup for lunch is in order.
Also mirroring November is the all pervading gloom and
persistent rain,
I suppose unlike November we still have another 6 of our 18 hours of
twilight left, while in November it would be dark in half an hour or
so.. :-)
When I cycled home from work I noticed how cold it felt and I thought to
myself, what's the difference between today and a typical November day.
Answer: it's not night time, that's it.