[WR] Sunderland 18.06.12 Respite at last...
Weather observation - Sunderland, Tyne & Wear 25m ASL
OS X (Eastings) 40944
OS Y (Northings) 54059
Lat (WGS84) N54:52:46 (54.879323)
Long (WGS84) W1:21:48 (-1.363282)
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Weather almost felt like summer today, albeit it a cloudy one. The sun diid shine from time to time and when it did, it felt pleasantly warm. Cloud was at times thick enough to let go of the odd drop of rain, but nothing that could be recorded. It does seeem a very long time ago since we had those days of unbroken sunshine back in March.
Regards... David Allan.
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Current data for Ryhope Grange, Sunderland
18 June 2012 16:52
Temperature (°C):
Current 16.6
Trend (per hour) +0.4
Average today 13.3
Wind chill 16.6
Heat Index 16.6
Dew Point 8.1
Rel Humidity 57%
Wind (mph):
Current Gust 3.1 SW
Average Speed 2.4 NW
Rainfall (mm):
Current rate 0.0
Last hour 0.0
Total today 0.0
Total yesterday 0.0
Total this month 47.4
Pressure (mb):
Current 1015.5
Trend (per hour) 0.0