UKMO: Lest We Forget
In article
Lawrence13 writes:
The probability that UK precipitation for April May June
will fall into the driest of our five categories is 2025%
whilst the probability that it will fall into
the wettest of our five categories is 1015%
(the 19712000
climatological probability for each of these categories is 20%).
So the 10-15% chance was the one that came up. Anyone who follows the
gee-gees knows that 7-1 shots sometimes win. Since the MetO were careful
to mention that wet weather was a possibility, and that the forecast
only "slightly favours drier than average conditions", I don't see why
you are giving them so much stick. Everyone knows - or should know -
that three-monthly forecasts have a high degree of uncertainty.
John Hall
Johnson: "Well, we had a good talk."
Boswell: "Yes, Sir, you tossed and gored several persons."
Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84); James Boswell (1740-95)